Why Stoves and Water Filters?

Clean air and water save lives, reduce poverty, and increase quality of life.

8 million+ People in Guatemala Do Not Have Clean Air & Water

here's why


Crude Open Stove

rustic open stoves

Smoke inhalation leads to cancers, lung & heart diseases, and eye problems among others. It is the leading cause of death in Guatemalan children under 5 - just one hour in the open fire cooking environment is the equivalent of exposure to 400 cigarettes’ worth of smoke.

Muddy Water

impure tap water and no sanitation

60% of diseases in Guatemala are waterborne. The tap water in Guatemala is not potable, and villages that rely on natural sources do not have sewage systems to protect their water sources from contimation.

Impoverished Rural Guatemala

poverty & isolation

Over half of Guatemala’s population lives below the national poverty line of $2/day. Most live in isolated rural environments and are not even aware of the dangers that come with open fire cooking, nor that safe alternatives exist, much less able to afford one.
Clean Air & Water Transforms Lives

Clean air and water dramatically increases life expectancy.

Prolonged exposure to smoke is associated with respiratory infections, eye damage, heart and lung disease, and lung cancer. Children especially suffer from hand and facial burns. 60% of Guatemalans suffer from parasites.

Wood collected for cooking contributes to deforestation in Guatemala.

Efficient stoves reduce wood consumption by 70%.


Families spend up to 20 hours a week collecting wood.

Men and women who use these efficient stoves gain the equivalent of two days a week in time saved from gathering wood.

Opportunities are limited when children can’t make it to school.

Clean air and water helps keep kids in school. Less time collecting wood and recovering from illness means more time in class.


Families can spend up to 40% of their income on wood.

The average daily wage for rural Guatemalans is $2. Since the stoves alone can help families save $300/yr not buying wood, that’s over 6 months of income saved annually for families who cannot collect all the wood they need.

women empowerment
Stove and water filters help women stay safe and gain more time for other interests.

Women are often left alone for months while husbands go in search of income, and spend over an hour a day looking for wood in the forests and jungles of Guatemala, putting them at risk of attack and abuse.


connection to the local church
Without connection, needs go unseen.

Partnering with the local church gives us an opportunity to stay connected with families long after the stoves and filters are installed. Local pastors can keep an eye on those in need and help facilitate ongoing support when possible.

How Do We Help in the Fight for Clean Air & Water?

ONIL stoves

onil stoves

We provide and install the ONIL stove which allows families to use their traditional cooking methods while piping smoke out of the house, and containing the fire in a small firebox which prevents burns. Using the ONIL stove means longer life expectancy, safer child development, and more time and energy for families.

Gravity Water Filters

gravity water filters

We also give families the HELPS Gravity Water Purifier which eliminates 100% of parasites and 99.99% of pathogenic bacteria in the water, drastically reducing the risk of contracting water borne diseases and parasites.

Deworming Medication

deworming medication

We provide deworming pills that kill all the existing parasites in the members of these families.

Connection & Partnerships

connection & partnerships

We partner with local churches to connect with families in rural Guatemala from all religious and non-religious backgrounds. Church partners coordinate preparation, training and installation, as well as do follow up inspections to ensure proper usage of the stoves and water filters.


Here are Three Ways You Can Help

Donate Clean Water

Help provide clean air & water to a family in need

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